Step 5. Users and Roles
How to set up access for GP & LP users
Quick start:
Step 1: Investment Vehicles and Portfolio Companies
Step 2: Investors and Commitments
Step 3: Accounting Transactions
Step 4: Pipeline of new Deals
Step 5: Users and Roles
Roles in AIRR:
Organization Admin
Organization User (suitable for junior GP team members)
Investor Admin (suitable for UBO of the Investor, can manage users within the Investor account)
Investor User (suitable for UBO team members, such as accountants, lawyers, analysts etc)
Setting up Access for the Users
Add Administrators, Investor Users and their Teams
Please make sure to include the relevant users in all Investor Accounts they are part of, as it's a common case that a User is part of several companies ("Investors") via which he participates in the fund.
Now you're all set with the basic setup. If you're ready for more, here you can find some information on how to connect apps to AIRR and enable external integrations.
Also, here's a link to our Frequently Asked Questions section.
From the User Management page, new individuals can be granted access to the AIRR platform. They can be assigned the role of either Organization Admin or Organization User. This will determine the level of access and permissions the user is granted.