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Step 1. Investment Vehicles and Portfolio Companies
How to set up the basics for your Organisation
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Quick start:

Setting up Funds, Portfolio Companies and Investments

Create Portfolio Companies


Next step is to create portfolio companies. You can include for every company such data as its name, description, information about shareholders and Board members, latest valuation information etc.

  • PE/VC Fund

  • Investment Holding

  • Coinvestment SPV

The choice of the Investment Vehicle type affects the metrics that will be calculated for the Vehicle. For example, in case of a PE/VC fund we will have "Committed Capital", while an Investment Holding will have "Invested Capital" instead.


At this step you can also choose whether to enable or disable pipeline (enable it if the fund is in active investment period and considers new projects) and whether to show the fund on the main dashboard to its investors (for a fund that has just been created it might make sense not to do it, as the fund doesn't have any investments).

More documentation on AIRR Investment Vehicles is available here.

Create an Investment Vehicle


There are 3 possible types of Investment Vehicles in the system:


More documentation on AIRR Portfolio Companies is available here.

Create Investments and Investment Rounds


Investment is a connection between Investment Vehicle and Portfolio Company. It can be either an Equity or Debt investment. Once you create an Investment, is becomes visible in the left menu in the corresponding Investment Vehicle section.


Usually you also would need to create Investment Rounds with particular dates and stakes acquired. The amounts invested in those rounds are set up later, in the Accounting section.

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More documentation on AIRR Investments is available here.

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