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AIRR Overview
About the AIRR platform
My Investments

Welcome to AIRR!


AIRR is a full-service web platform for investment funds. It allows individuals and teams to track and manage their funds, investments, and investors from one convenient and integrated portal.


Featuring rich API functionality, AIRR provides real-time capabilities to investment management. Getting up to date data and metrics, is just a click away! With all the information aggregated in one place it's possible to obtain at any moment an overview of a portfolio company or an entire fund's standing.

The "My Investments" portion of the AIRR platform serves to view and manage investments made by investors and LPs


AIRR Homepage


The homepage of AIRR is a powerful dashboard where the user can get a broad overview of all the investment vehicles under management, their historical development, and key information pertaining to the vehicles' portfolio companies and investments.

Fund overview


Each Investment vehicle has its own section on the page. To the top left of the section is a graph indicating the net asset value and cumulative proceeds received of the fund over its lifetime. To the top right is a table showing portfolio composition, including percentage ownership, current NAV, cost, dividends/interest and exit proceeds. Below the table is an overview of the fund's situation including cash on account, total management fees, and total fund expenses, as well as total loans outstanding. At the end of the section, general performance figures are displayed: committed/called capital, dividends paid-in, residual value to paid-in and expected cash-on-cash multiple. 



The overview subsection allows to view general information pertaining to any of the fund investors. A dropdown allows the selection permits quick navigation, while a dashboard below displays the key metrics including: Committed capital, DPI, latest NAV, expected cash-on-cash, RVPI, and dividend yield. A timeline also displays the drawdowns and distributions for the investor. Clicking the "View Details" button will lead you to the next subsection: "transactions"



The transactions subsection is a table showing a more detailed view of the cash flows pertaining to the investor. Distributions and drawdowns and listed with precise amounts and dates.



The following subsection, labeled "Documents" lists all files pertaining to an investor. They are categorized under three tabs: Investment Vehicles, My Documents, and Portfolio Companies.


The files can be downloaded and viewed.

KYC & Onboarding


This subsection is used for filling out and collecting all relevant information for the "know your client" and onboarding process.


Once again through a dropdown, and investor is selection. Below are tabs that allow to filter the category of information: UBOs, Directors, Companies, Bank Accounts and Onboarding Documents. Forms can be completed and accompanying documents uploaded.

Investment Vehicles 

The Investment Vehicles section provides access to information regarding an investment fund's portfolio investments.


Each vehicle receives its own subsection that can be expanded in the sidebar to display the individual investments. These portfolio pages are in turn populated by metrics generated in Klipfolio or locally in AIRR.


The Pipeline section of AIRR provides a Kanban-style view of potential investments in the pipeline for each investment vehicle. This is a useful way to have a broad overview of how a fund's deal flow is progressing. 

  • General Settings

  • User Management

  • Investors

  • Investment Vehicles

  • Companies and Valuation

  • Onboarding & KYC

  • Deals Pipeline

  • Investments

  • File Management

  • Reporting

  • Accounting

  • Service Providers

The final section of AIRR is the Administration section. From this section all settings can be adjusted. Categories of settings include:

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